“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

It is our desire that everyone at Downtown Community Church feels seen and can find lasting Christ-centered community. The Gospel is for everyone and everyone can play a role in the Kingdom of God. Read more below on what steps you can take.

Join us on a Sunday!

  • Parking is available in various parking lots around the church. Please follow our signs and welcoming parking team as they find the best spot to serve you and your family!

  • Our Families team is dedicated to providing you and your family a comfortable and safe experience each Sunday! Learn more about our Downtown Kids and our kids church here.

  • ‘Sunday services are the primary way we gather together as a church to worship, read scriptures, and gather as a community of believers committed to reaching and serving our city (and beyond)

    We do our best to provide you with an experience that makes you excited to come back and bring a friend.

    We have hot coffee, contemporary worship, and people ready to pray with you and answer any questions you may have about faith and Jesus.

    Sunday is a catalyst to spur our church on to loving God and taking the next steps in following Jesus


Sundays at 8:30am, 10AM & 11:30am

231 E Palmer Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32301

Find Christ-Centered Community.

Welcome to Church

Learn about the heartbeat of DCC and how to go from simply attending to belonging.

Sign up here.

Join a Group

Find friends while growing in your relationship with Jesus.

Find a group for you here.

Serve Your City.

Find the best place for you to serve others!


Become A Neighbor.

Looking for More?

We’re here to help!

  • From social events to Bible Classes to worship nights, we always have fun things going on! Click Here to see our upcoming events.

  • Good question! Downtown Community Church is a group of imperfect people, striving to live the way Jesus calls us to as told by His Word. Learn More Here.

  • We believe that God has uniquely gifted and wired each individual to make an extraordinary impact in the Kingdom of God. Our vision is to be a church that unearths, empowers, and leverages the God-given gifts in each person to reach our city, one block at a time. Learn More Here.

  • Email:

    Phone: (850) 692-8593

    Address: 231 E Palmer Ave

    Mailing Address: 400 Capital Circle SE Suite 18258 Tallahassee, FL 32301