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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
MARCH 29th
Project Tallahassee is happening Saturday, March 29th! Don’t miss this bi- monthly Saturday morning service opportunity. Our goal is to provide our local non-profit partners with volunteers and resources to mitigate some of the costs associated with any projects or tasks that end up on the bottom of the to-do list from week to week. For example, in the past, we have painted walls, built furniture, packed groceries, planted flowers, organized, and cleaned.
March 30th
God has given us a big vision for Tallahassee and beyond and we invite you to be a part of it! Join us SUNDAY March 30th during the 10:00 AM service, as we not only share that vision but share how we operate and how YOU can play a part in it! From our core values and beliefs to our leadership and how we handle our finances. It’s our hope that you will receive the tools and information to go from simply attending DCC to a place where you belong!
April 3rd
Technology is the number one battleground in homes across America, and we are here to help!
We are excited to invite you to Parent Night Live with Screen Sanity, a highly acclaimed program designed to help parents unpack today’s hottest screentime topics, and get you the tips and techniques you need to raise happy, healthy kids in an increasingly digital world.